Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day (entry #3 for today!)

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Some of you might be curious as to whether Hannah Mei has a Chinese or American passport. Answer = Chinese. For all intents and purposes Hannah Mei Steury isn't Hannah Mei for the United States Government. She is, instead Sui Jia Mei.
How do we go about getting her U.S. citizenship you ask, NO IDEA. Honestly, I really don't know. The fact that she is a Chinese passport holder is something of a surprise to me. I guess I should not have been shocked...I mean, she is a Chinese citizen. I guess I just presumed that when she was adopted she would immediately become a U.S. citizen. Apparently, this is a process she must go through like anyone else. Ugh! I think that means more paperwork.
As I understand it, she gets a visa to be allowed to enter the U.S.A. Then after in the States, we start the application for her citizenship.

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